HAAN Toothpaste Refill 純天然礦物護齒牙膏補充裝

- 150ml (3 x Pocket)

支持更環保的生活概念!選購純天然礦物護齒牙膏補充裝可減少 89% 塑膠製造!

西班牙天然純素品牌 HAAN 推出的純天然礦物護齒牙膏採用 96% 天然原材料製造,不含有害致敏成份及合成防腐劑。配方中的木醣醇 Xylitol 以及 NASA 研發、取代氟化物的羥基磷灰石 Hydroxyapatite 能抑制細菌、修補琺瑯質,防止蛀牙、預防牙齦發炎及敏感牙齒,亦有美白作用。溫和無氟化物配方富含益生元,維持口腔微生物群平,小朋友及敏感牙齒人士都適合使用。

❍ Apple a Day - 香甜淡雅蘋果青香
❍ Good on Ya - 清新提神草本香味
❍ Life’s a Beach - 瑪薩拉茶辛香香調
❍ Hyvä Meininki - 清爽冰極薄荷味 (加強淨白配方!)

 硫酸鹽 Sulfates - 化學起泡劑,高刺激性,有機會引致口腔潰瘍
‣ 對羥基苯甲酸酯 Parabens - 化學防腐劑,可能會引起敏感,而仿雌激素特性則有機會引致荷爾蒙失常,增加罹患乳癌風險
 三氯沙 Triclosan - 化學抗菌劑,研究顯示會干擾內分泌,有潛在致癌風險
‣ 氟化物 Fluoride - 兒童攝入過量可能引致氟斑牙;亦有機會引致內分泌系統功能失常、神經疾病,甚至癌症

A toothpaste collection that remineralizes your teeth thanks to a premium formula with hydroxyapatite and prebiotics. Made with clean, vegan ingredients, our naturally whitening toothpaste will keep your smile whiter and healthier. Experience the fresh flavors inspired by dreamy locations around the world. 
A sustainable option to reduce up to 89% of plastic: our Refill pouch. 
  • 1. 打開牙膏的蓋子 Open the cap of your toothpaste bottle.

    2. 用清水把牙膏樽清洗乾淨 Make sure the bottle is clean by rinsing it with water.

    3. 用酒精再沖洗一次 Rinse it once again, this time with alcohol.

    4. 除去補充裝的蓋子並剪掉尖嘴口 Pull the plug off your toothpaste’s refill and cut off its top.

    5. 把補充裝慢慢注入牙膏樽 Fill up the bottle with the refill.

    6. 填滿後蓋上牙膏樽蓋 Put the cap back on the toothpaste’s bottle.

    7. 蓋上補充裝的蓋子,留待下次使用 Plug the Refill and keep it for the next time.

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