HAAN Hand Sanitizer Pocket 蘆薈消毒潔手噴霧 (Shake It Up)

- 30ml

可愛又迷人的便攜式消毒潔手噴霧將會成為您每日的必需品!HAAN 創新的潔手噴霧經德國實驗室測試能有效消滅 99.99% 細菌病毒,而團隊更用上天然蘆薈汁,消毒同時呵護雙手!HAAN 作為 100% 無動物測試品牌,用上99.5% 天然成份,每一支噴霧都可循環再用!

Shake It Up 系列有 5 款新鮮、刺激、醉人的雞尾酒味選擇,讓您隨時享受微醺的快感!

Keep your hands clean and moisturized with our HAAN Pocket, a fast-acting spray that kills 99.99% viruses and bacteria on your skin with a unique formula with aloe vera. Conscious: 100% cruelty-free, 99.5% natural ingredients, recycled and recyclable packaging and non-single use format! Every HAAN sanitizer is inspired by unforgettable scents to spice up your day!

  • 1. 噴至足夠全面覆蓋雙手 Spray until your hands are sufficiently covered.

    2. 將指尖搓於手心 Shuffle fingertips in palm.

    3. 內外均匀搓滿雙手 Rub your hands inside and out.

    4. 搓匀於手指間 Rub between your fingers.

    5. 享受潔淨又柔軟的雙手 Enjoy clean and soft hands.

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