Agent Nateur HAIR (SILK) Peptides Soft Hydrating Hair Serum 百香絲肽護髮油

揉合多款滋養油、修復性蛋白及護髮成分,這支造型髮油能打造絲滑、柔軟且有光澤的秀髮。和坊間髮尾油的暫時性效果不同,hair (silk) 百香絲肽護髮油的效果能日復日修護頭髮健康。採用無矽配方,法國絲肽、透明質酸及梔子花等營養成份能補給髮絲,滋潤、順滑、活化每一吋秀髮。

Finally, a styling serum that delivers silky, soft and shiny hair with a blend of nourishing oils, restorative proteins, and replenishing conditioners. hair (silk) peptides is unique from other hair oils because it works with your hair overtime, not just for a day. Formulated with french silk peptides, hyaluronic acid, and monoi - ingredients that hydrate, revive and soften your hair, without the use of harsh silicones.


The serum ensures the look of strong, smooth, soft and shiny hair, while also strengthening the appearance of your mane.

hair (silk) 百香絲肽護髮油能幫助髮絲保持最佳狀態,解決以下問題:

Our hair (silk) peptides serum will help your hair achieve its maximum potential, helping with the following concerns:

  • 暗啞受損頭髮 dull, damaged hair
  • 抵抗熱力傷害 heat protectant
  • 開叉頭髮 split ends
  • 頭皮乾旱 dry scalp
  • 易斷頭髮 hair breakage
  • 頭髮缺水 hair dryness
  • 毛躁髮質 frizziness
  • 難以打理、造型 difficulty styling
  • *非基因改造及無麩質 non-gmo and gluten-free

    *不含石化成分 petrochemical-free

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